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Food and Nutrition

Lunch info 2023-2024:


You may pay your lunch bills or set up auto pay at At St. Ignatius school, the only extra that our students may purchase is juice at a cost of 50 cents per day. We encourage parents to set up an online account at I ask that if you may be eligible for free or reduced lunch you complete the application found on the website  Our Title I tutoring program is funded based on the number of students who qualify for free/reduced lunch so it's imperative to maintain funding to have parents complete the applications.  

If you child has a medical condition that requires special lunches, a new form must be completed each year, please see form below.  It is the policy of the diocese that students eat lunches provided unless a medical condition prevents otherwise.  All forms are approved/disapproved by the diocese.

If you have any questions concerning the lunch program, please contact our Cafeteria Manager, Jackie Baker at 337-662-3069 or

Free & Reduced Lunch Application

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